How could our kidneys be a sign of human evolution from sea creatures?
Kidneys are a sign of evolution. How? Kidneys are these 2 bean-shaped organs that lie in your posterior abdominal wall and are responsible for filtering waste products from your blood to your urine. They are in the abdominal region When we study the kidney during fetal development, you will be surprised by how humans and fish are related. In the fetus, you develop 3 pairs of kidneys instead of the 1 pair that we are familiar with. The 1st kidney to develop is called pronephros ( develops near the neck - yes you had kidney in your neck when you were fetus ), the second one is called mesonephros (develops in the abdomen), and the third pair is called metanephros (develops in the pelvis.) The pronephros and mesonephros degenerate and the metanephros is the only one that continues and it gives rise to your kidney. Here how they looked like. As you see, pronephros and mesonephros degenerate. Metanephros remains. Here is a zoomed-...